I share with you what I have personally found useful and interesting, some of which I have strongly related to and issues that I have explored to great length. I hope that you find these interesting and valuable too.

Please click on the links provided - these are in aqua green.


A captivating first-hand account of a persons experience of living with Schizophrenia. I watched this during my training. I was fully absorbed and awestricken by her journey to recovery. It gave me in-depth knowledge of what maybe happening for a person and offered me hope for those trying to recover.

Eleanor Longden overcame her diagnoses of schizophrenia to earn a master’s in psychology and demonstrate that the voices in her head were “a sane reaction to insane circumstances”.

“It is not about what is wrong with you, it is about what has happened to you”.

The voices in my head - Eleanor Longden

Saying sorry

My understanding of how important it is to repair relationships.

Saying sorry


My understanding of the difference between private and secret.

Private verses secret


A moving talk. Johann Hari shares fresh insights on the causes of anxiety and depression from experts around the world, as well as some exciting emerging solutions.

Why you could feel depressed or anxious


Relate provides relationship support and their website offers what I believe to be a sound explanation of what Gaslighting is.


the behaviour of a narcissist

A summary of narcissistic behaviour.

The pray of a narcissist

highly sensitive person (HSP)

An interesting view on sensory processing.

Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person

The gentle power of highly sensitive people - Elena Herdieckerhoff


The drama triangle model shows the 3 roles of unproductive, intense and potentially toxic relationships. The persecutor, rescuer and victim. This model is often used during relationship therapy. I have used it to support children and young people in an educational setting where they can sometimes feel overwhelmed by social pressures.

Drama triangle explained


People living with dyslexia show special talents of imagination, perception and intuition, however they can face a barrier to learning within our education system. Unfortunately, because of this barrier I have witnessed children and young people losing self confidence and this having a huge impact on their well-being. Caroline is an inspiration and truly cares. She offers support and understanding for anyone living with dyslexia and on her website she shares some interesting videos about successful people who also live with dyslexia.

Autism and Empathy

In my experience it seems to be that there is a belief that people on the autistic spectrum don’t feel empathy towards others. However, they do seem to struggle with certain aspects of empathy but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel it at all. Here I share with you my understanding and learning through 20 years of experience with working with young people and adults on the autistic spectrum.

Autism and Empathy


The process during development, particularly during adolescence when teenagers and young adults begin to assert their own independence.

Individuation in adolescence

Carl Jung's Method of Self - Development - The Path of Individuation

Helpful Phone apps

Below is a link which takes you to a list of apps. These apps may help support young people, children and some adults in their everyday lives. They include mindfulness, breathing techniques, ideas to help promote better sleep, understanding negative thinking patterns, suicide prevention and many more.

CAMHS resources apps

Social Media Dangers Documentary

Childhood 2.0 is required viewing for anyone who wants to better understand the world their children are navigating as they grow up in the digital age.

Childhood 2.0 - The living experiment

grief and loss

A beautiful poem wrote by Ruth Archer. Thank you for allowing me to share this Ruth.

The Olive Grove

break negative patterns of thinking and behaviour

An extremely thought provoking video on conditioning yourself to change negative patterns of thinking and behaviour.

Do this first thing in the morning to brainwash yourself

SEnse of self

This interview with Dr Gabor Mate explores how our sense of self is molded, starting within the womb. I personally found the way in which he explained this, immensely interesting.

The childhood lie that’s ruining all our lives